Porter's Guide and Directory
for North County Dublin
Index to Porter's Directory 1912
Rush is a pleasant old-fashioned seaport town in the parish of Lusk, about two miles from Rush and Lusk railway station on the Great Northern Railway, in the Barony of East Balrothery. It was formerly a considerable fishing district, but the harbour is so exceedingly inconvenient that it does not afford the requisite shelter for vessels of any size engaged in deep sea fisheries. It is stated that the pier was originally built by the great Duke of Ormonde in the reign of James II. Within a short distance of the town is the magnificent estate of the late Sir Roger Palmer (Lady Palmer is now in residence), once the residence of the celebrated family of Echlin, some of whose descendants are now resident in the immediate neighbourhood. The best known to history was Sir Henry Echlin, Bart., a very popular man in his time, and who dispensed princely hospitality during his chequered career. The present baronet has had a very romantic career. He has been footman, policeman, guardsman, warder, asylum attendant, and is now the landlord of a snug little publichouse at High Wycombe in Buckinghamshire, within a short distance of the residence of Edmund Burke and the late Lord Beaconsfield. The estate consisted of land in Dublin, Mayo and Kildare, which was squandered by the fifth baronet and ultimately sold to an ancestor of the late Sir Roger Palmer, whose family own the estates now. The Catholic Church is an interesting old structure. Many additions have been made to it, especially by Canon O'Hea, now of Ballybrack, who built the apse and transepts and added to the nave. A fine set of stained glass windows is now being presented to the church by members of the congregation. The designs are by an eminent Dublin architect, and the work is to be executed by Messrs. Earley of Camden Street, Dublin. Dr. Palmer left a sum of £9,000, the interest of which goes to provide dowries for young women of Rush and neighbourhood. The Cottage Hospital is an excellent institution affording relief for accidents or invalidity. It is under the very capable control of Miss Hennessey. There is also a dispensary and a police barrack and coastguard station, two National and one parochial school. Population about 1,300.
NORTHERN BANK - Open on Fridays
COASTGUARD STATION - Hy. Wm. Norton in charge
RUSH POST OFFICE - Mrs. Weldon, Postmistress
ROYAL IRISH CONSTABULARY - Sergt. J. Sweeney and 4 constables
COTTAGE HOSPITAL - Miss Hennessey, Lady Superintendent
RUSH BOYS' SCHOOL - Nicholas Carty, Principal; John Follenis and Peter Doolan, Assistants
RUSH GIRLS' SCHOOL - Miss M.J. McNamara, Principal; Miss Twomey and Miss C. King, Assistants
RUSH DISPENSARY - Dr. Fahie, Medical Officer
Rush Commercial List
Andrews Brothers, Family Victuallers, Main Street
Archbold, John, Draper
Armstrong, Michael, Wine and Spirit Merchant, The Square
Baring, The Hon. C., Lambay Castle, Lambay Island
Brunskill, Rev. N.R., Kenmure Church
Crely, Robert M., Shipowner and General Merchant
Derham, Mrs. Margaret, Vintner
Echlin, Matthew, Builder, Contractor, Carpenter, Painter, Decorator, and Undertaker, Main Street
Fahie, Charles J., Physician and Surgeon, Medical Officer, Local Dispensary
Flynn, J.J., General Draper
Follanus, Philip, Grocer
Fynes, Edward, Saddler
Gailey, J., Blacklands
Gough, Thomas, Builder and Contractor and General Undertaker
Grimley, Stephen, Wine and Spirit Merchant, Main Street
Hartford, Mrs. B., Farmer
Hartford and McDonald, General Drapers and Hardware
Hennessey, Miss, Lady Superintendent of The Cottage Hospital
Jones, John, General Boots and Hardware
Kane, Michael, pensioner
Kelly, Patrick, Grocer and Vintner, Main Street
Kelly, Richard, Whitestown House
King, Mrs. Mary, Grocer and Vintner, Millview House
Lamb, John, Mason
Langan, David, Shoeing and General Smith
Langan, Thomas, Blacksmith
Langan Bros., Blacksmiths
Lee-Norman, A.H., Estate Agent for Lady Palmer, Rush House
McManus, John, Clerk
McSweeney, Rev. M., C.C.
Martin, J., Stationmaster, Rush and Lusk Station
Martin, James, Family Grocer, Draper, Hardware and General Merchant
O'Byrne, Rev. Laurence, P.P., The Presbytery
O'Hara, Mrs. Brigid, Vintner
Palmer, Lady, Kenmure House
Parochial School, Miss Crofton
Purcell, Robt., Geraldine House
Robertson's Rush Bulb Farm Co. Ltd., Bulb Growers, W.E. Todd, Manager
Rooney, Edward, Farmer, Cornhill
St. Lawrence, Wm., Farmer
Smith, Mrs., Retired Draper
Todd, W.E., Bulb Farm Manager
Walsh, Captain Matthew, Woodview
Walsh, Joseph, Family Grocer, Tea, Wine and Spirit Merchant, Carpenter and General Contractor, Main Street, Rush
Walsh, Patrick, Mason
Walsh, Thomas, Coachbuilder
Weldon, Mrs., Postmistress
Index to Porter's Directory 1912
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