Porter's Guide and Directory
for North County Dublin

Index to Porter's Directory 1912


Finglas is a very old-world village, pleasantly situated on the River Tolka, about equidistant from Dublin General Post Office and Clontarf, 4 miles; and 1 1/2 miles from Tram at Glasnevin, in the Barony of Castleknock. It is stated that Strongbow here with 500 men routed the Irish army, consisting of several thousand men and nearly took King O'Connor prisoner. This statement is open to the suspicion of intentional inaccuracy, as the grandsires of those very men made such a heroic effort a few hundred years before at Clontarf. In 1649 the Marquis of Ormond camped here; in 1690 William III rested here after the Battle of the Boyne. Efforts are now being made by the local authorities to build artizan and labourers' cottages; there are very many in the district, and others in the process of construction. The country all around is very interesting, especially to antiquarians. There is a private asylum, Police Barrack, Convent of the Sisters of the Holy Faith, two Catholic and one Parochial School, a Post Office and a Dispensary. The whole neighbourhood has acquired a great reputation for its milk supply, which is of the very highest standard of purity, and has withstood the severest tests that expert examiners can suggest. Agriculture is the principal industry, but there is a quarry in the neighbourhood and a lace class at the Convent Schools which provide considerable employment for the children of the neighbourhood.

The educational facilities of the district are very considerable. The Sisters of the Holy Faith at their Day and Boarding School provide a course of studies embracing Religious Knowledge, Irish, English, French, Arithmetic, Book-keeping, Typewriting, Needlework and Drill, Vocal and Instrumental Music, and Dancing. The institution is under the patronage of the Archbishop of Dublin. There is also a Boys' National School, under the capable and successful control of Mr. Mathews, Head Master, and a Church of Ireland School, ably conducted by Miss Morris.

THE CATHOLIC CHURCH is a very interesting old building, dating back to 1690. It contains a monument of the pious and learned historian, the Rev. John Lanigan, D.D., the author of "The History of Ireland". He was born in 1758, and died in 1828. Herein is attached a list of the Parish Priests of Finglas from 1690, previous to which there are no names:-
1690 Rev. Barth. Scally (Canon)
1707 Rev. James Andrews
1760 Rev. Wm. Fletcher (Canon)
1774 Rev. Andrew Ennis
1777 Rev. Christopher Wall (Canon)
1778 Rev. James McCarthy
1784 Rev. Michael Benson
1823 Rev. Matthew Kelly
1841 Rev. James Young
1863 Rev. Patrick Black
1876 Rev. Joseph Flanagan (Canon)
1889 Rev. Wm. Breen
1897 Rev. Patrick Slattery
1902 Rev. Martin Hackett
1911 (January 18th) Rev. Philip Ryan.
There is a splendid new Catholic Church at St. Margaret's.

THE PROTESTANT CHURCH OF ST. CANICE, FINGLAS, was commenced in 1841, and completed in 1843, but was found to be too small and inconvenient for even the few Protestants at that time in the parish. Considerable additions and alterations have been made recently - a new vestry has been erected, a chancel added, and the church re-paved and decorated from designs by J. F. Fuller, Esq. Diocesan arcitect, the execution of which cost about £700. A new pulpit in memory of a late Vicar, Rev. W.H. Pilcher, has been erected by Mrs. Pilcher and her family; and communion rails and tiles have also been added as a memorial to the celebrated Senior Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin, by the Stubbs family, who reside adjacent to the church; and a number of past and present members of the congregation have subscribed for a stained-glass window and font. The outside of the church presents the neat appearance of a well-built village church, on which is the inscription:-
"The first stone of this Church was laid by Archbishop Whately in 1841".

FINGLAS DISPENSARY - Dr. D. A. Mahony, Medical Officer and Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages. Denis Kerr, Deputy, Post Office, Glasnevin.
FINGLAS R.I.C. BARRACKS - John Brennan, Sergt., and 4 Constables.
FINGLAS POST OFFICE - Telegrams, Money Order, Savings Bank, &c. Mrs. Matthews, Postmistress.
FINGLAS BOYS' SCHOOL - John Mathews, Principal. Michael Cronin, Assistant. Average attendance, 75.
FINGLAS GIRLS' AND INFANT SCHOOLS - Conducted by the Sisters of the Holy Faith. Average attendance 75.
PAROCHIAL SCHOOL - Miss Morris, Teacher, St. Michael's Convent and Schools of the Sisters of the Holy Faith, Finglas House.
FINGLAS GOLF CLUB - J.B. Patterson, Hon. Sec. Patrick Doyle, Professional Golfer. Members 270. Visitors are admitted to play on the introduction of a Member at 1s. 6d. per day; Sundays and Holidays 3s. Inland course.

Finglas Residents
Anderson, John, The Cottage
Ardagh, The Rev. A. R., Finglas Vicarage

Bailey, Charles A., Tolka
Barry, John, Alpine Lodge, 38 Finglas Road
Boshell, Michael, Family Grocer
Bowen, Mrs., Riverside
Brennan, John, Dairyman
Brennan, John, Glebe View Dairy
Brennan, Thomas, Farmer

Carton, Matthew M., Grazier, Poppintry
Clarke, Mrs., The Cottage
Clarke, Wm., The Dairy
Clarke, Wm. And Son, The Cottage Dairy
Collins, John, Dairyman, The Glens Dairy, St. Helena Cottage
Corcoran, John, Prospect House
Cox, Wm., Kathleen villa, Ashbourne Road
Crowley, F. L., 3 West view terrace
Cunningham, James, Ballyboggin

Derham, P.J., Farmer, Gofton Hall
Derham, Richard, Farmer, Kildonan
Dooley, J., Waterworks Inspector
Donnelly, Patrick, 30 Finglas Road
Doyle, Hugh, 1 West view terrace
Duffy, Christopher, Rate Collector for Finglas, Blanchardstown and Castleknock
Duffy, Luke, Dairyman and Farmer, Rivermount
Duffy, Peter, Sheep Salesman, Rivermount

Ecklin, Mrs. D., Dupper

Farnham House and Maryville Private Asylum
Fegan, Wm. D., Williamsville
Fegan, Mrs. Mary, Shopkeeper
Flood, James J., Family Grocer and Spirit Merchant
Flood, Mrs. Hannah, Family Grocer and Spirit Merchant
Flood, Mrs., Mountain view
Flood, Patrick J., Family Victualler, Main Street

Gaynor, John, 6 West view Terrace
Geraghty, Peter P., Family Grocer and Spirit Merchant, The Royal Oak, Finglas Bridge

Hagerty, Miss, Drogheda Lodge
Healy, T.J., 34 Finglas Road
Heery, Patrick, Family Grocer, Wine and Spirit Merchant, Finglas House
Hynes, Francis, Farmer

Johnston, Mrs., The Elms Dairy
Johnston, Wesley, Dairyman, The Village

Kearney, Wm., Dairyman and Farmer, Cardiff’s castle Dairy
Kearns, Patrick, Farmer, Lark House
Kelly, James, Irene villa
Kelly, Mrs. Margt., Woodview House
Kennedy, Richard, Shoeing Smith
Kerrigan, Wm., Farmer, Elmgreen cottage

Lilburn, H., White House

MacDonald, The Rev. James, C.C., St. Margaret’s
McDowell, Alexr. James, Maple villa
McFarland, George, Golf Steward
McGuinness, Mary J., Tobacconist
McIlveen, Mrs., 5 West view terrace
McKenna, Peter (Exors.), Farmer, Rockmount
McMullan, Bernard, 36 Finglas Road
Maffett, G.E., Rosemount
Maffett, Mrs., St. Helena
Maffett, Oswald, St. Helena
Mahony, Daniel M., Dispensary Medical Officer
Markey, Joseph, Dairyman and Farmer, Fingall Dairy
Matthews, John, Ashbrook House
Morriss, Miss, Principal, Parochial School
Moore, Mrs. Annie, Ardstraw Dairy, Finglas Bridge
Moore, Wm., Mount Prospect
Murphy, Mrs., Jamestown House

Neill, James, Steward Farnham House

O’Callaghan, Francis, Dairyman

Parkinson, John, Bellevue Quarries and Summer Hill, Dublin
Parochial School, Miss Morris, Principal

Rice, Mrs., Tolka Cottage
Roe, H.W., 2 West view terrace
Rogan, George, Dairyman
Rogan, Patrick, Dairyman, Finglas
Rowland, James, Johnstown House
Ryan, The Very Rev. Philip, P.P., The Presbytery

Sherlock, Patrick, Farrier, Finglas Bridge
Smullen, James, Castle Roberts
Short, Mrs., 4 West view terrace
Stubbs, T.W., 32 Finglas Road
Stubbs, William C., M.A., Barrister at Law, Examiner of Titles, Land Commission
St. Mary’s Convalescent Hospital, Cappagh, Finglas – in connection with the Children’s Hospital, Temple Street
St. Michael’s Convent and Schools of the Sisters of the Holy Faith, Finglas House

Walsh, S.W., Master Mariner, 7 West view terrace
White, Miss, Jamestown

Index to Porter's Directory 1912

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